Privacy Policy, Data Protection And Information Services Society (IS)

To provide services as AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL, we need to collect certain información about you. In this Privacidad Policy, Data Protection and Services from the IS, we describe the información we collect, what we do with it and how you can manage and control the use of this information. By using or interacting with the service, you are accepting the use of your information as it was already anticipated above and described in the Privacy Policy, Data Protection, and IS services.

Collected Information

In compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data, Act 15/1999 of December 13, AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL informs expressly, precisely and unambiguously, that the provided personal data gives your consent for this information being incorporated and treated in a file for AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL, duly registered in the R.G.P.D. for its proper development. According to Article 13 of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, which approves the Development Regulation of the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data, AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL expressly, precisely and unambiguously informs: ‘You can process data from users over fourteen (14) years old under your consent, except in those cases where the law requires to provide them the assistance of the holders of parental authority. In the case of a person under fourteen years of age, the parent or guardian's consent will be required. AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL may use the collected information, including your personal data to (a) provide, customize and improve your experience with our service, (b) ensure the technical operation of the service, and (c) develop new features associated with service.

Similarly, and to provide better service, the user can send you information such as messages and warnings concerning the transportation services (promotions, delays, breakdowns, general information, etc.) AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL guarantees that the provided data will be treated per the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data (security, confidentiality, etc.)

AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL will manage the files, which in the case of being necessary, you can replace in the Spanish Data Protection Agency, where users can go to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition. The user declares having been informed per the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data that the supplied information is actually complete, truthful, available to be updated, and necessary for the providing of the service – being the status of this data not a responsibility of AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL. There is location data among the gathered information for the service. This data will be used for statistical purposes (demand analysis, origin/destination surveys, and other studies that will improve the service provided to the user). We use various technologies to collect and store data when you access the application, including the sending of one or more cookies and other similar technologies.

Cookie: A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters sent to the user’s computer each time you visit a website. When revisiting the same site, the cookie allows the website to recognize your browser. Cookies can store user preferences and other information. Your browser settings can be modified to reject all cookies or to indicate when to send. However, it is possible that some functions or services of the website may not work properly without cookies. AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL may use “cookies” during the service providing through the website. The user can configure the browser so the creation of cookie files can be prevented or warned. If you choose to leave our website by visiting other links outside our organization, AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites or the cookies that they can store in the user’s computer. Our e-mail policy is based on sending communications only if the user has consented to receive them. If you prefer not to receive these e-mails, we will allow you to exercise your right to stop receiving these messages, according to the provisions of Art. 22 of Law 34/2002 about Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

Procedure in case of illicit activities: In case of any user or thirds considering that facts or circumstances are revealing the illegal use of any content or carrying out any activity accessible through the website, you must send a notification to AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL properly identifying and specifying the alleged violations and stating expressly under your responsibility that the information being notified is accurate.


Every notification and communication between the users and AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL will be considered useful for all purposes, when sent via postal service or correo electrónico every user should address AUTOCARES MALLORCA TOUR SL by:

  1. Postal service to the following address: Calle Eusebio Estada 29, 8º1, Palma, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain.
  2. E-mail to the following address: